Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wednesday July 20

We spent the night at the Roosevelt Bed and Breakfast, also highly recommended (Doug is great at selecting accomodations). Our table mates were also bicycling the Centennial Trail.

The headwind was tedious and it was hot, so I found a great riverfront spot for a refreshing swim and energizing lunch - roll (2) mini-bonbel cheese (2) and my last nectarine.

We are back in Spokane well before we need to pick up Bianca and the other volleyball campers, so we get something Doug has been fantasizing about for days - root beer floats.

With all the great options at the new food court at the ferry terminal, it's a pity that they are all closed by 8 pm, except the wine bar which made us turkey sandwiches.

(The photographs that were here, have now been removed at the request of identifiable persons.)

I found these weird pictures on my camera. Does anyone know who these people are?????


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